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Writing Reflection

Writing Reflection

Having this class during the semester helped me so much because I learned so many new strategies. One of the many strategies I have learned is to write a draft without editing then the next day looks over it and makes sure all concepts are there. Because sometimes when we are writing we can’t see our mistakes right away. I’ve also learned that taking my time helps me create a better writing piece. This class has also helped me get a deeper knowledge of genres especially doing the composition in 2 genres project. This class has helped me better understand the characters in the novels and short stories. Each assigned reading had such good meaning behind it. Doing the discussion boards helped me see so many different perspectives and analyze each reading differently. Most importantly the discussions gave me ideas I would have never thought about. This course made my writing stronger because of Professor Otte leaving comments to tell me what I could improve on. I would always take his comments and use them to help me improve my next piece of writing.
I took all of his comments and used them for the final research paper. The final research paper helped me understand how the online database works and which articles to rely on and which ones not rely on because it is very essential to know if the database you are using is accurate. This course has helped me be a more organized writer. Being completely honest I was always a messy writer my writing would be all over the place and it would not be the best thing because it would be so difficult to understand what my point is that i’m trying to get across. But now before I start writing I make a list of where everything will be and what sources I will use in order to get my points across. I’m honestly so thankful for this class because without it my writing would not be as strong as it is now.I still have room for improvement but my progress has come a very long way.
My language in my writing piece has drastically improved because using the same words over and over makes the writing piece really boring. To have an outstanding writing piece you need to make sure your vocabulary is enhanced and not just basic. I’ve also learned that with this course that your writing should always be creative because you wanna show the people who you truly are. I think a certain tone and theme and point of view is so important to have a well-written piece because if you have all of those then your writing will be put together very nicely. Writing takes a lot of patience and time in order to progress, Like any other thing takes time to progress and in order to be better you need to practice, practice, practice. This course has taught me that there are so many approaches to writing you just have to find the one that fits you the best.
I just want to mention how thankful I am that I chose to take this class. It has helped me in so many ways. It has helped me understand society’s perspective on mental health. It has helped me understand the perspective of someone who is suffering from mental health. It has helped me become more interested in reading and writing. This class has helped me a lot. Because it was something I can relate to and something that will stick with me forever because it is super beneficial and important. I’m so thankful I got to read such amazing readings and got to thoroughly analyze them and summarize what I saw or mention my ideas about it. I’m glad I chose a class where I could freely express myself. I’m glad I got to have such amazing discussions with such amazing people.
Ps; Thank you professor Otte for being great especially during these circumstances
Best regards Amerah Ahmed,